cutoff point

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cutoff point

n punto de corte
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The body has said it will prevent garbage from Beirut and Mount Lebanon from entering the Costa Brava landfill, as it did last month, unless it is presented with a long-term plan for the site, which includes a cutoff point for its use.
Mrs Hutcheson said Saturday was a particularly pivotal date as it is the cutoff point for several tax requirements.
In the group of men (Table 2), the best cutoff point for BAI (26.1%) had the highest sensitivity (79.4%), while the BF% cutoff (23.8%) exhibited the highest specificity (74.8%).
Linear regression was used to assess the correlation between BIS values and GCS scores, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves at GCS of less than 9 were plotted to determine the cutoff point. Differences were considered statistically significant when their P values were less than .05.
Gyasi, a retired educationist, has advised the Ghana Education Service (GES) and government to scrap the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) if there would not be any cutoff point for students who are entering second cycle institutions in Ghana.
The Prime Minister added that the cutoff point does not define quality of education because if that is the case the cutoff point for class X students should be increasing yearly and fluctuation in cutoff percentage shows the availability of seats in government school.
"I think the Keith that we used to know and love had this cutoff point where if he had one more, he'd go over the top and he'd be nasty.
A Range of Activities Evaluated The six-year study (JAMA Psychiatry, July) included 15,582 people aged 65 years and older, who were free of dementia, Parkinson's disease and stroke, and scored higher than their respective education-adjusted cutoff point on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE).
It is, however, a cutoff point and going beyond it would draw administrative reaction.
As was the case for the summer tour in 2016, that is likely to be the cutoff point this summer for United's internationals and they will then fly out at a later date after a welldeserved holiday.
By this evaluation, we might be able to determine the significant cutoff point in LDH levels in the CSF to differentiate SAH from traumatic tap.