Cutter Bar

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Cutter Bar

The part of a mowing machine that holds and guides the knife. It is also sometimes called a sickle bar.
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The name "Buckeye" is a trademark given to the mowing machine, which first successfully introduced two driving-wheels and a double-jointed folding cutter bar. In 1889, Adriance introduced a lighter and more compact rear-discharge harvester and binder (illustrated in a vignette in the poster's lower left corner).
Corded electric saws cut a little slower in most cases and tend to max out with an 18-inch long cutter bar. Electric saws are quieter, simple to start (assuming you have a long enough extension cord or a well-charged battery), and they don't require that you fuss with gasoline, oil and other maintenance issues associated with internal combustion engines.
The most affordable walk-behind tractor implement for forage harvesting is the sickle bar mower (also called a "cutter bar mower").
Even when raised to the maximum elevation, the intake reel pushed many of the stems away and the cutter bar attacked stems at an angle and pushed many of them to the ground rather than cutting them.
Three-fourth portion of cutter bar should be in the crop to avoid choking of cutter bar, crop elevator and threshing drum.
The middle finger controls the rocker switch for manual header tilt control and the MAX FLEX head cutter bar flexibility or the VARIO head's retractable (fore/aft) cutter bar position.
We cut our hay with a classic old mower with a cutter bar, piled it by hand onto the hay wagon, pulled it by horse into one of the big barn doors, and then distributed it into the haymows by means of a special fork running on an iron track overhead in the barn.
They include: dual servo drives for more precise operation and reliability; improved shaft management capabilities and a redesigned cutter bar for faster operation, ensuring better cuts at high speeds.
The combine - which is now believed to be the biggest in the UK with a cutter bar that can take up to 35 feet of wheat in one pass - has the capacity to harvest enough wheat in a day to produce a million loaves in Sainsbury's bakeries.
The main reason PSC cites for selecting Wendt was that the equipment offers a shredding philosophy similar to the Hammermill shredder it replaces, incorporating a four-arm spider rotor and an adjustable cutter bar.
The complete cutter bar can be swung in and out of position pneumatically, ensuring the smooth passage of the product sheet.