crucian carp

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Related to crucian carp: Common carp
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Noun1.Crucian carp - European carp closely resembling wild goldfishcrucian carp - European carp closely resembling wild goldfish
cyprinid, cyprinid fish - soft-finned mainly freshwater fishes typically having toothless jaws and cycloid scales
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A total of 11,000 roach, bream, tench, crucian carp and rudd were released by the Environment Agency in lakes and ponds.
A total of 11,000 roach, bream, tench, crucian carp and rudd were released by the Environment Agency into lakes and ponds across County Durham and Northumberland.
In particular, 1072.9 tons of sprat were caught, 85.4 tons of mullet, 82.3 tons of herring, 69.4 tons of carp, 54.7 tons of bream, 48.2 tons of carp, 30.7 tons of crucian carp, 21.2 tons pike perch, 13.6 tons of shamayka, 5.0 tons of catfish, 3.1 tons of asp and 15.2 tons of other fish species.
There are some very good tench coming from Dissington Pond, these along with rudd, roach, perch, crucian carp and ide are keeping visiting rods happy.
An Environment Agency officer tested the water at the ponds (pictured) at Newsome Mills in Hart Street which is filled with perch, tench, roach, common carp and crucian carp.
Yet goldfish and their wild relatives, crucian carp, can survive for days, even months, in oxygen-free water at the bottom of ice-covered ponds.
It is amazing." Lactic acid is a by-product when muscles use carbohydrates to create energy but only goldfish and crucian carp, which are related, are known to convert it to alcohol.
Good-sized crucian carp are providing the action at Cyfartha Lake and Merthyr Tydfil AA treasurer Tony Rees netted 15 as well as roach, rudd and bream when he float fished with maggots as bait.
The most commonly used species of fish are tilapia, carps (common carp, crucian carp, European crucian carp, mirror carp), catfish, trout, snakehead argus etc.
Last week, after a trip along the A55 in an oxygenated tank on a pick-up truck, some 450 common, mirror and crucian carp were safely released into the lake, run as a day-ticket fishery for the local community.