cow pen

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Related to cow pen: Pig pen
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.cow pen - a pen for cattlecow pen - a pen for cattle      
pen - an enclosure for confining livestock
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References in periodicals archive ?
Cow Pen Close name change wanted MEMBERS of Groby Parish Council were carrying out house-to-house canvass in Cow Pen Close, a street in the old village, which house owners wished to re-name Whitehouse close.
Mzee Punyua stood near the cow pen. A tall man with a regal bearing, he nevertheless carried an approachable air about him.
Harima smiles and exchanges a few words in Swahili with the man leaning against the railing of the cow pen. He is asking her what she wants to do when she finishes school.
They were taken to hospital suffer ing from breathing difficulties after the incident at the plant on the Cow pen Lane Industrial Estate in Billing ham.
The small child will not remove his sunglasses and is banging into everything; the gran, despite needing a walking frame, wants to scale Richmond's market square; the dad has heart set on finding a farmer's market (I fear his ambition will see us up to our eyes in mud in a cow pen somewhere); the oldest son is sulking and will no doubt continue to cut off his nose to spite his face; the aunt wants to chill out, an impossible task when she is also the family peacekeeper; Mr Bruce has rekindled his pyromania and is on a quest for logs and I will just be happy if I can find a Starbucks.
This gave them full access to grasshoppers, spilled grain and anything they found of interest in the cow pen.
Her body lay undiscovered at her home in Brier lay Road, Cow pen, for around a week while Summers used her bank card to steal pounds 300.
STURBRIDGE - A skunk found dead in a cow pen at Old Sturbridge Village on Thursday has tested positive for rabies.