cow barn

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Related to cow barn: horse barn
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.cow barn - a barn for cowscow barn - a barn for cows      
barn - an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed and housing farm animals
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References in classic literature ?
I put up with it, but I immediately pulled down the cow barn, the pigsties, the chicken houses, everything--made a clean sweep.
A USA-style cow barn has won this year's Royal Welsh farm buildings competition.
At most dairy farms, manure from the cow barn goes through a primary separation to remove the large solids.
The panellists were unaware that the cheese samples were identical, and rated the pungency of the blue cheese significantly higher in the cow barn setting than in the sensory booth or the virtual park bench.
The study participants were virtually placed in a standard sensory booth, a pleasant park bench, and the cow barn to see custom-recorded 360-degree videos.
Called an "encouragement network," the Do Lectures bring together entrepreneurs and other enthusiasts from around the world to swap ideas in the the Hieatt's old cow barn in Cardigan.
The converted cow barn was the perfect hopping point for Exmoor, Dartmoor and the North Devon coast.
A spokesman for the popular park, off Ragley Drive, said there had been significant damage to the toilet block, but the fire had been put out before spreading to the nearby cow barn.
The family has a photo album to share with guests of the before, during and after of this historic cow barn. The winery is rich with history and breathtaking views.
LULA DEL RAY, By Manual Cinema, Underbelly Med Quad (Cow Barn), August 2-28 Told almost entirely without dialogue, Lula del Ray is the story of a lonely adolescent girl who lives with her mother on the outskirts of a vast satellite array in the middle of the desert in the mid-century American south-west.
To tell the truth, I wouldn't care if this place was in a falling-down cow barn, the food is that good--so masterfully prepared and just delicious.
Meanwhile, Stirley Community Farm at Newsome will open its award-winning Cre8 Barn, a low-energy educational centre built from a derelict cow barn for Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.