consular agent

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consular agent

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a consul of one of the lower grades
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According to Article IV in the event that the aforementioned documents are not made in an official language of the country in which the award is relied upon, the applicantmustproduceatranslation of these documents.Thistranslationmustbe certified by an official or sworn translator or by a diplomatic or consular agent.
Also paid tribute to the victims of the Little Boy atomic bomb, ambassador's wife Fatima Xavier, the consular agent Helder Congo, and the other members of the Japanese-accredited diplomatic corps.
Other honorary consuls in attendance were Jose Sala (Sweden) with wife Susan, Grand Benedicto (Romania) with wife Genevieve, Emily Chioson (Israel), Alan Gordon Joseph (the Netherlands), Mary Christine Florido (Denmark), Eduardo Gonzales (Mexico), and US consular agent Glenn Loop with wife Honey.
Manpreet Singh, chairman, Indian Social Club Salalah and honorary consular agent, Embassy of India said besides engaging with Muslim brothers it is also an opportunity to introspect.
2) An Indian nurse was found dead in her apartment in Salalah, the Indian consular agent, said .
The first American Consular Agent in Bulgaria was actually a Bulgarian national, Asen Kermekchiev (later Ace Kermek), a businessman, physician, and journalist.
Guests included Dutch honorary consul Jaap Vaandrager, Jordanian Ambassador Mohammed Ali Suraj, Italian Ambassador Alberto Vecchi, Greek consular agent Konstantinos Pallikaropoulos and Egyptian Embassy counselor Baher Sheweikhi.
"American law enforcers need to be mindful of these global realities before setting off another storm while arresting a foreign diplomat or consular agent," Haqqani wrote in The Daily Beast.
So, how did you end up in your role as Consular Agent?
I learned this from my brother, Ahmet Alan, who is a consular agent in South Sudan and later suggested this to a Turkish firm to consider the investment," Alan said.
A senior diplomat in the French embassy in New Delhi said Mazurier was a consular agent in the Bangalore consulate and holds an official passport and not a diplomatic one.
He was appointed US Consular Agent in January, 1912.