commit suicide

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Verb1.commit suicide - kill oneself; "the terminally ill patient committed suicide"
kill - cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"
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References in classic literature ?
THE Members of a Legislature, being told that they were the meanest thieves in the world, resolved to commit suicide. So they bought shrouds, and laying them in a convenient place prepared to cut their throats.
I wondered if a practiced swimmer like myself had ever tried to commit suicide by drowning, and had been so resolute to die that he had resisted the temptation to let his own skill keep him from sinking.
Women are constantly trying to commit suicide for love, but generally they take care not to succeed.
The young woman in her despair tried to commit suicide. She failed in this, and was forced to rejoin her aunt in Cincinnati, The old lady was overjoyed to see her again.
Why should somebody else, cutting pieces off his sermon paper, make Quinton commit suicide?"
Father Brown was still leaning back and staring at the roof, but he took his cigar out of his mouth and said: "Quinton never did commit suicide."
"I tried to commit suicide! The monster went out last night, after carrying me here fainting and half chloroformed.
"Oh, dear, no, your excellency, unless you intend to commit suicide. Pay and eat."
She added that she could not live without him, and the only thing was for her to commit suicide. She told him he was cold and selfish and ungrateful.
class="es-text-justifyThe number of people in Slovakia who decided to commit suicide last year has gone up compared with 2017.
A little later, her husband hanged himself from a tree outside to commit suicide.
The officials said that they were sure what drove the man to kill his family and commit suicide but added that some domestic altercation reportedly triggered the incident.