cleaning fluid


cleaning fluid

n (stain remover) → smacchiatore m
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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The FCP1 Connector Cleaning Kit, for example, includes various configurations of FCC2 connector cleaning fluid, CCT connector cleaning tips, FiberWipes, Cletop cartridge cleaner, Cletop (ACT) cleaning sticks, and Noyes VS 300 Inspection Scope.
A ROBBER fled with just a single bottle of cleaning fluid, after threatening staff at a Liverpool branch of Farmfoods.
In all the offences, which were carried out in April, family gold was stolen and cleaning fluid was used to destroy forensic evidence.
Here are the 10 top reasons to switch to a better cleaning fluid today:
A GIRL of 12 who forced her four-year-old stepbrother to drink cleaning fluid has been charged with attempted murder.
Gary Palmer, of the GMB union, said: "Cleaning fluid was decanted into a water jug.
SIXTEEN children have now sought medical advice amid fears they were given drain cleaning fluid at an HSE dental clinic.
Clogging is usually caused by particles within the recycled cleaning fluid blocking the small holes in traditional spray balls.
POLICE are hunting a thug who shouted: "I've got acid" before squirting cleaning fluid in a drinker's face outside a pub.
This device blocks the melt and forces a cleaning fluid through the mold and out the vents after cleaning.
A GARAGE boss left a customer needing hospital treatment by putting tyre cleaning fluid into his water bottle as a prank.
Burlinson, who runs KB Tyres, in Sunderland, deciced to play a trick on Mr Dobinson by adding the cleaning fluid to a bottle of flavoured water in his car.