

(Weightlifting) a lift in weightlifting in which the weight is held momentarily at shoulder height before being thrust overhead
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And he also won the snatch and clean-and-jerk as Sandor had to settle for three silvers.
The 24-yearold finished with two second place positions in the snatch and overall while finishing fifth in the clean-and-jerk but Australia's Alex Karapetyn was in magnificent form as he claimed the three golds on offer.
He also won the snatch and the clean-and-jerk with Sandor having to settle for three silvers.
Cheryl won three gold medals in the snatch, clean-and-jerk, and combined events in her weight class.
Two basic lifts make up competitive weight lifting: the "snatch" and the "clean-and-jerk." Both require strength, speed, and coordination.
But when it comes to "clean-and-jerk lifting" - the kind you do in competition, where you hoist a weighted bar to your chest, squat beneath it, and stand and press the bar overhead - arms don't do the lifting.
In the junior category, Tunisian Zied Gannouni (56 kg) won three silver medals at snatch, clean-and-jerk and at total.
He also finished second in the clean-and-jerk with an effort of 160kg to leave him in silver medal position overall on a total of 305.
Morgan produced a lift of 145kg to win the silver medal in the snatch and also finished second in the clean-and-jerk with an effort of 160kg to leave him in silver medal position overall.
The 23-year-old, born in Watford, was one of only four competitors and won the snatch with 87.5kgs while finishing second in the clean-and-jerk and overall to Canada's Maryse Turcotte.
But 40-year-old Sarkisian (23 world records and Olympic silver in 1980) took a clean sweep of the golds in the snatch, clean-and-jerk and overall.
Hancock eventually finished fifth in the overall standings with India's Kunjarani Devi Nameirakpam winning gold in the snatch, clean-and-jerk and the combined event.