class Chlorophyceae

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Noun1.class Chlorophyceae - algae distinguished chiefly by having flagella and a clear green color, their chlorophyll being masked little if at all by other pigments
Chlorophyta, division Chlorophyta - large division of chiefly freshwater eukaryotic algae that possess chlorophyll a and b, store food as starch, and cellulose cell walls; classes Chlorophyceae, Ulvophyceae, and Charophyceae; obviously ancestral to land plants
order Ulvales, Ulvales - an order of protoctist
order Volvocales, Volvocales - chiefly freshwater green algae; solitary or colonial
Chlorococcales, order Chlorococcales - unicellular green algae that reproduce by spores
Oedogoniales, order oedogoniales - simple or branched filamentous freshwater green algae
class - (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
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