class Ascomycetes

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Noun1.class Ascomycetes - large class of higher fungi coextensive with division Ascomycota: sac fungiclass Ascomycetes - large class of higher fungi coextensive with division Ascomycota: sac fungi
class - (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
Ascomycota, Ascomycotina, subdivision Ascomycota, subdivision Ascomycotina - a large subdivision of Eumycota including Hemiascomycetes and Plectomycetes and Pyrenomycetes and Discomycetes; sac fungi; in some classification systems considered a division of the kingdom Fungi
Euascomycetes, subclass Euascomycetes - category not used in many classification systems
Discomycetes, subclass Discomycetes - a large and taxonomically difficult group of Ascomycetes in which the fleshy fruiting body is disklike or cup-shaped
family Morchellaceae, Morchellaceae - a family of edible fungi including the true morels
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Xylaria papulis Lloyd, was under class ascomycetes, first illustrated and described by Van der Gucht [27]; the species was collected and identified using morphology at Papua New Guinea.
Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton and where the perfect state of the species has been identified to the genus Arthroderma in the class Ascomycetes. (1)
lutea strain F23523 belongs to the order Boliniales and family boliniacea of the class ascomycetes, was obtained as gift from Novartis, Switzerland.