city block

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: block - a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildingscity block - a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings; "he lives in the next block"
area, country - a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country"
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References in classic literature ?
Butler, at his ship-yard near the drawbridge, upon what is called the City Block, thus making it unnecessary for him to seek employment for me.
The Eighth Street Bridge, crossing an arm of San Antonio Estuary, was the length of three city blocks. In the middle of the bridge, and at each end, were electric lights.
Here was a great hole, perhaps two city blocks square, and with long files of garbage wagons creeping into it.
19 June 2019 - Finland-based special investment fund Trevian Finland Properties I has acquired a majority share in the Kauppakortteli Pekuri city block in Oulu city centre, by the Rotuaari pedestrian zone, located in Finland, the company said.
to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater, beyond the school property." At trial, the state introduced a map and testimony demonstrating that the drug sale had occurred at appellant's home, which was located on a city block that is diagonal, or kitty-corner, to school property.
The one-acre site, currently used as a parking lot, encompasses a full city block bounded by Peck Slip, Pearl Street, Water Street, and Beekman Street.
Rivada's patented controllers can use this and other information (e.g., a wireless device's location within a cell or a city block, etc.) for improved mobile advertising, to create or improve wireless device advertising markets, to generate additional revenue for those who sell advertisement space, and to more efficiently deliver advertisements to mobile device users within a highly focused geographic area (e.g., devices that are less than two city blocks away from a pizzeria, etc.).
KARACHI -- In order to create awareness among the masses, to mark the International AIDs day, a walk is being arranged by Mehran Welfare Trust Larkana from CMC Hospital, City Block Larkana to CMC Children Hospital on Thursday.
LARKANA -- To mark the World Diabetes Day on Tuesday, the Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University (SMBBMU) Larkana will organize a public awareness walk from Medical Unit-II, CMC Hospital, city block to Chandka Medical College Larkana, at 10.00 am.
Hot on the heels of Disclosure earlier in the week, we continue the festival vibes around the capital as the Dublin City Block Party takes place at District 8 and Tivoli Grounds all weekend.