career counseling

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: counseling - counseling on career opportunities
counseling, counselling, guidance, counsel, direction - something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action
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How personal is career counseling? The Career Development Quarterly, 42, 129-131.
Postmodern Career Counseling: A Handbook of Culture, Context, and Cases.
He sought ways to help people caught, as he was, by forces outside of their control, and this grew to a concentration on career counseling and job placement, ways for "outsiders" not only to fit in, but to survive.
Providing effective career counseling to culturally diverse individuals is not the same as helping those from majority cultures.
Advancing the career counseling profession: Objectives and strategies for the next decade.
However, most NZAC members do not specialize in career counseling. A separate professional association, the Career Practitioners Association of New Zealand (CPANZ), has been chartered to represent practitioners whose primary focus is career-related services.
Career counseling of gifted and talented students must acknowledge the unique career and life development issues that may impact their career planning.
In addition to impacting mental health, living in poverty is likely to increase unemployment, impede parenting skills, and reduce the effectiveness of career counseling interventions (Heppner & O'Brien, 2006).
BAHAWALPUR -- Bahawalpur Arts Council in collaboration with Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology Rahimyar Khan will be organizing career counseling seminar here on June 26.
Career counseling has evolved to include practices that attribute a central importance to context variables and meaning-making processes.
"Career counseling is a vital tool that can help individuals in all types of careers," Gonzalez said.

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