care order

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care order

n (Brit: Jur, Sociol) → Fürsorgeanordnung f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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M2 EQUITYBITES-August 26, 2019-Alaska Communications Statement on the Federal Communications Commission's Rural Health Care Order
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-August 26, 2019-Alaska Communications Statement on the Federal Communications Commission's Rural Health Care Order
| An interim care order is issued at the start of care proceedings, with the council requesting the family court to make a temporary court order.
A full care order is sought by the council when they are worried that the parent will not work with them to ensure the child is suitably cared for, or when the parents/carers have significantly harmed the child or put the child at risk of significant harm.
Of the children being looked after, just over three-quarters are in foster care, with the remainder placed for adoption, living with their birth parents under a care order or being looked after in either supported accommodation or children's homes.
In the meantime Conwy Council is the official guardian of the child following an interim care order.
Cafcass Cymru's annual report shows the average waiting time for public law cases, where local authorities apply to the courts for a care order in respect of a child, in 2014/15 was 24.9 weeks across Wales, with 76.7% of cases resolved within 26 weeks.
In March, a 21-year-old man under a compulsory care order left the centre on unescorted leave and was later found dead.
"Several of our residents have an advanced care order that states they are not for active treatment of conditions for which no positive outcome can be expected, and not for hospital transfer for those conditions.
"There's a section 31 which is a full care order where the local authority take control and then there is the Section 20 care order, where the parents still have parental responsibility but the kids are in a children's home.
After these events, the family judge made a care order in relation to the child, saying the mother had shown her behaviour could be "irrational" and that the child was at risk of harm if he stayed with her.