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Related to calendered: calendered paper


A machine in which paper or cloth is made smooth and glossy by being pressed through rollers.
tr.v. cal·en·dered, cal·en·der·ing, cal·en·ders
To press (paper or cloth) in the rollers of such a machine.

[French calandre, from Vulgar Latin *colendra, alteration (possibly influenced by Latin columna, column) of Latin cylindrus, roller; see cylinder.]

cal′en·der·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.calendered - (of paper and fabric and leather) having a surface made smooth and glossy especially by pressing between rollers; "calendered paper"; "glossy paper"
shiny, glazed - having a shiny surface or coating; "glazed fabrics"; "glazed doughnuts"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
It was nearly two feet long, printed on calendered paper, with a selection of colors so bright that they shone even in the moonlight.
The company's four-roll inclined "Z" calender handles calendered fabric widths from 30" to 59".
The same authors [10] used a finite-difference nonisothermal model to study the temperature distribution in the calender gap, including the effect of viscous dissipation; they predicted local temperature maxima near the surfaces of the calenders--regions associated with high shear--but only a small rise in the temperature of the calendered product.
A measuring instrument installed at the calender outlet could take continuous inline measurements of the calendered fabric.
The calendered bowl materials are used in the paper and textile industry.
After coating, the rolls were calendered on a pilot multinip calender.
"A 250-micron homopolymer PP film made by Sleeve Touch is a very soft film like a calendered random copolymer.
The advantages of calendered webs during either staple fiber or continuous filament webs including softness, bulk or bending strength properties.
Three new grades of calendered flexible PVC (polyvinyl chloride) from the Vinyl Division of Teknor Apex are said to provide the low-temperature and high-temperature performance required for such health-care products as cold and hot packs used for arthritis patients and in chiropractic therapy for tendon damage.
* Calendered fabric width range: 400-600 mm, total thickness: 0.65-1.6 mm,
The Number 1 and Number 2 Twinline Calenders will each receive dual VIB AirTech[ 6] systems to moisturize while the paper is being calendered with 872 nozzles per calender.
Bombi also offers an ultra wide line for new fibers to produce thermal bonded wadding, calendered felt or foam bonded felt.