Calf weaner

Calf weaner

Sometimes a calf is quite persistent and continues to nurse long after it should be weaned. Rather than keeping the calf and its mother in separate pastures, a calf weaner could be attached to the calf ’s nose. The weaner had sharp spikes sticking out from it that would cause the cow to kick the calf and keep it away.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
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A farmer short on either time or money crafted his own calf weaner from whatever materials he had on hand, Ron says.
Calf weaners, then, are a neat fit with his hog equipment collection.
Most old-time farmers know what calf weaners are, but they're not too common."
Most calf weaners were designed to clamp on to a calf's nose or nostrils, Ron says.
His collection today includes pedal-operated implements, calf weaners, green bean sheer, raisin seeder, grain probes, ice harvest tools, signs and much, much more.
He is also partial to implement wrenches, and dairy items such as calf weaners, horn weights and separators.
Even though changes are inevitable with each new year, you can always count on Farm Collector to continue bringing you the most detailed information each month about everything from hay carriers to hog oilers, calf weaners to corn shellers.
I have never heard of a "blab." In my 72 years, these "blabs" were always called "calf weaners," and we had more cow-weaning than calf-weaning problems, as we never allowed the newborns to nurse after their first couple of feedings.