


[ˈkæbɪnɪtˌmeɪkɪŋ] nebanisteria
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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'I have heard what your trade is,' observed Miss Wren; 'it's cabinet-making.'
Poyser, "to make a bit more convenence at home for nice jobs o' cabinet-making. I've always done a deal at such little things in odd hours, and they're profitable, for there's more workmanship nor material in 'em.
I thought it'd never happen." The couple, who ran a cabinet-making firm in Powys, Wales, then a B&B on Maltese island Gozo, had a blessing service on Valentine's Day as they did not have time to sort an official marriage.
They included a drug and drysaltery works, as well as engineering, cabinet-making, printing, tailoring, shirt, clothing, quilt and bedding factories.
By KWENDO OPANGA Patience should be President Kenyatta's compass as he painstakingly constructs his government with an eye on assembling a competent, committed and efficient Cabinet to help him carefully and successfully steer MV Kenya home on his final five-year voyage.But he rushed an announcement about Cabinet-making a week ago on Friday.
Roy Bloomer, defending, said Hooke hoped to put the incident behind him and complete an NVQ in cabinet-making at Warwickshire College.
He enjoyed wrought-iron work, fishing, and cabinet-making. Art belonged to the Worcester Firefighters Assoc.
The 41-year-old, who runs an online cabinet-making business, spent just pounds 1,500 and three months making the 16ft x 16ft (5m x 5m) hideaway in his spare time.
This was a large cabinet-making depository making everything including parquet flooring, as it had a commission to furnish and fit out Liechtenstein Palace.
Earlier this year, Thomas won the silver award for cabinet-making at the Yorkshire regional Skill Build contest.
Brandt successfully worked as designer for various industries but her brilliant career was ended by a combination of the depression, new Bauhaus director Hannes Meyer (who combined the metal and cabinet-making workshops into an interior design department), and the rise of the Nazis who made sure no lefty Bauhaus product got any work.