cabinet minister

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Noun1.cabinet minister - a person who is a member of the cabinet
Chancellor, Chancellor of the Exchequer - the British cabinet minister responsible for finance
Chief Secretary - a member of the British Cabinet
Home Secretary, Secretary of State for the Home Department - the British cabinet minister who is head of the Home Office
Lord Chancellor, Lord High Chancellor - the highest officer of the Crown who is head of the judiciary and who presides in the House of Lords
Lord Privy Seal - the senior cabinet minister in the British Cabinet who has no official duties
government minister, minister - a person appointed to a high office in the government; "Minister of Finance"
First Lord of the Treasury, Treasury - the British cabinet minister responsible for economic strategy
2.cabinet minister - the job of a senior minister who is a member of the cabinet
minister - the job of a head of a government department
cabinet - persons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers
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cabinet minister

nministro (membro del Consiglio)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
The popular wife of a great actor was discussing her husband's latest play with a Cabinet Minister who had the air of a school-boy present at an illicit feast.
Daniell I have met, and Lord Romsey may perhaps do me the honour of remembering me," he added, shaking hands with the Cabinet Minister.
Lady Anselman glanced around with the scrutinising air of the professional hostess, to see that her guests were properly seated before she devoted herself to the Cabinet Minister. She had a word or two to say to nearly every one of them.
"Already some of the Society papers are beginning to chatter about the friendship existing between a Cabinet Minister and a beautiful Hungarian lady of title, etc., etc.
Here the sleek capitalist and there the sinewy laborer; here the man of science and here the shoe-back; here the poet and here the water-rate collector; here the cabinet minister and there the ballet-dancer.
"My friend," he said, "if I thought that you believed that, although you are a Cabinet Minister of England I should think that you were the biggest fool who ever breathed.
The remodelled procession started, with a chimney-sweep driving the hearse--advised by the regular driver, who was perched beside him, under close inspection, for the purpose--and with a pieman, also attended by his cabinet minister, driving the mourning coach.
She meant to use the cumbrous machine to pick out this, that, and the other interesting person from the muddle of the world, and to set them for a week in a pattern which must catch the eyes of Cabinet Ministers, and the eyes once caught, the old arguments were to be delivered with unexampled originality.
To him, she supposed, Mary Datchet, composing leaflets for Cabinet Ministers among her typewriters, represented all that was interesting and genuine; and, accordingly, she shut them both out from all share in the crowded street, with its pendant necklace of lamps, its lighted windows, and its throng of men and women, which exhilarated her to such an extent that she very nearly forgot her companion.
This detail fixed itself first in March's mind merely because it figured in the first conversation he had with one of the cabinet ministers.
The cabinet ministers were rather older than he had expected to find them.
Cabinet ministers on both sides were alluded to by their Christian names with a sort of bored benignity.

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