bran tub

bran tub

(in Britain) a tub containing bran in which small wrapped gifts are hidden, used at parties, fairs, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The parish is immensely grateful to all those involved in setting up and running the various stalls (Fancy Goods, Cakes, Tombola, Chocolate Tombola, Toys, Books, Bottles, Christmas Gifts, Children's Bran Tub, Children's Colouring, Scalextric and Refreshments).
Even worse, some sellers have attempted to do things on their own, believing it is a simple as picking a lucky number from a bran tub. Many fall at the first hurdle.
Stalls, including home-made cakes, tarts and jam, tombola, jewellery, Easter gifts, books, DVDs, white elephant, bran tub, spin-the-wheel and other games.
Children can visit the elves' grotto and get a gift at the bran tub. There's also a tombola, raffle, fun competitions for youngsters and refreshments.
I spoke about a bran tub of topics and the audience were wonderfully interactive.
Meanwhile Hexham's resident witches will be in their den in the Market Place stirring their bran tub. Will you be brave enough to pay them a visit?
There is, I have learned, a very short step betwixt sticking your hand in a bran tub and risking a month's wages on the spin of a roulette wheel.
Traditional entertainment in the colourfully decorated centre will include a bran tub, a tombola and a Christmas raffle.
Not only does it run weather stories almost daily, it always dips into the hyperbole bran tub to see what "shock horror" headline it can pull out next.
Can anyone recall Clarkson's Toy Shop where Katherine's is now with it's lucky dip bran tub, and Mr Clarkson's dolls hospital up Causey Street.