

a cap on the top of a bottle
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The bottle-top anniversary falls next Friday, on March 22, meaning had Boro scored first against Brentford on Saturday and Preston this Wednesday and not lost, the run would have been five years old.
Those who were still standing retired to a hostelry for supper, a light-hearted quiz and some games of bottle-top bingo.
On the basis of product, the market is segmented into membrane filters, cartridges and capsules, syringe filters, bottle-top vacuum filters, filter funnels and holders, and filtration accessories.
But my favourite is the bottle-top test and here's why.
The Bottle-Top Water Spike is a plastic nozzle that screws onto a litre plastic drinks bottle.
PICTURE: ANDY COMMINS ref: 01170193 CAP THAT!: The Corner House manager Christopher Hunter and his staff team; WHOLE LOTTA BOTTLE: The Corner House Pub in Heaton, Newcastle, beat the Guinness World Record for the longest bottle-top chain, with all the money raised being donated to the NSPCC
Wardens will be dishing out secure bottle-top lids in an attempt to stop drugs being slipped into the drinks of Christmas revellers.
The Lost Thing is a picturebook about a young boy who, when scavenging for bottle-top caps for his collection, discovers a freakish creature--bizarre in the extreme, and so unusual that no one but him can seem to notice it.
If a bottle-top factory doesn't spend money on new machines to make bottle tops, they won't survive."
A shocked mum says a chemist's bottle-top blunder could have killed her baby.
On the bottle-top of a flavoured milk drink in Britain: After opening, keep upright.