bomber crew

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Noun1.bomber crew - the crew of a bomber
air crew, aircrew - the crew of an aircraft
bombardier - the member of a bomber crew responsible for using the bombsight and releasing the bombs on the target
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THE story of a Lancaster bomber crew who were killed on their last Second World War mission has emerged for the first time.
At this stage of World War II the survival rate for bomber crew members was just 50 per cent.
It was hoped that a film documenting a bomber crew as they successfully completed a combat tour would calm new recruits, who were hearing stories of the carnage overseas, and assuage the doubts of the public, press and politicians that strategic bombing was a failure.
In an instant, they are transformed from simply another well-trained combat bomber crew to the focal point of international politics and debate for the rest of their lives.
Klockner Memorial to bomber crew killed in crash at Farnley Tyas My Father in Law was on Woodsome Hall Road at the time and it blew him over the wall Jan huddersfield examiner Yorkshire Ambulance Service late to more than a thousand Huddersfield patients last winter They do the best they can under current circumstances.
"We sent an account of the crash to Canada together with a small piece of the wreckage which they requested for closure." The most horrendous loss of life in a single crash in the area was in March 1941 when five members of a Wellington bomber crew were killed on the upper slopes of Moel Farlwyd.
Their interest in the heroic exploits of the young bomber crew triggered curiosity and has led to a belated ceremony to mark their wartime contribution.
Alan, who now lives in Silksworth, talked to the three bomber crew members who survived the crash.
Thursday Air Force C4 12.45pm Howard Hawks marshals exciting aerial action and strong performances for this Second World War drama about a bomber crew caught up in the Pearl Harbor attack.
shelter and a memorial to a bomber crew that crashed here during WI.
Summary: Work has begun on a monument to the thousands of RAF bomber crew who lost their lives during the Second World War.