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Related to aircrewman: Royal Navy
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.aircrewman - a member of an aircrewaircrewman - a member of an aircrew    
air crew, aircrew - the crew of an aircraft
bombardier - the member of a bomber crew responsible for using the bombsight and releasing the bombs on the target
crew member, crewman - a member of a flight crew
flight engineer - the flight crewman responsible for mechanical operation while in flight
navigator - the member of an aircrew who is responsible for the aircraft's course
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References in periodicals archive ?
Cobra offshoots included the Aircrewman, Courier, Agent and Viper.
The naval aircrewman picked up wounded Simon in a helicopter during the 1982 conflict.
Caption: Fleet replacement Aircrewman (FRAC) Eugene Schoen, with Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 2, demonstrates the typical seated position of an MH-60 gunner in May.
I looked across at the aircrewman and smiled, receiving a warm grin back.
I elected to have the copilot fly the approach, while the aircrewman slewed the forward looking infrared (FLIR), in search of the carrier.
Team members Squadron Leader Anne Pearson, Flight Lieutenant Will Collins, Master Aircrewman Simon Allen and Senior Aircraftswoman Hollie Renwick beat RAF Waddington by a very close margin.
Liam, who is currently an Aircrewman trainee on the new Merlin Mk2 helicopter with Culdrose's 824 Naval Air Squadron, PS10 per mile, for his two chosen charities.
But the helicopter is low on fuel and the royal flies off to refuel leaving behind winchman/paramedic Master Aircrewman Richard Taylor to look after the 15-year-old.
However, the helicopter is low on fuel and the royal flies off to refuel, leaving behind winchman and paramedic Master Aircrewman Richard Taylor to look after the 15-year-old.
Master Aircrewman Richard Taylor was part of a four-man team who helped in a rescue from a Russian seawreck off the coast of North Wales in which six died.