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Related to boisterousness: reprimands


 (boi′stər-əs, -strəs)
1. Loud or noisy and lively or unrestrained: a boisterous street market. See Synonyms at vociferous.
2. Rough and stormy; violent: boisterous winds; a boisterous voyage.

[Middle English boistres, variant of boistous, rude, rough, perhaps from Old French boisteus, lame, limping, from boiste, knee joint.]

bois′ter·ous·ly adv.
bois′ter·ous·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



hell on wheels Rowdy, riotous, wild, boisterous. The expression is said to have been commonly applied to towns that sprang up along the Union Pacific Railroad line during the 1860s because of the gunmen, gamblers, and prostitutes who inhabited them in such large numbers. The phrase has been in use since at least 1843.

He’s hell on wheels on Monday mornings. (J. Pearl, The Crucifixion of P. McCabe, 1966)

joy ride A reckless, high-speed excursion, often made in a borrowed or stolen car; a pleasant jaunt in an automobile or aircraft. This expression conjures up an image of exhilarated teenagers screeching through city intersections in high-powered hot rods. Modern use of the phrase, however, usually carries an implication of illegality.

A man who drove away two cars for a “joy ride” was fined 75 pounds. (Scottish Sunday Express, August, 1973)

raise Cain To behave in a boisterous and rowdy manner, to create a disturbance, to raise a ruckus; also to protest vigorously, to raise a hue and cry, to make a fuss. Most sources relate the expression to the Biblical fratricide, Cain, but make no attempt to explain his transition from agent to object. It may be that his name became associated with evil incarnate and thus came euphemistically to replace devil, once considered profane, so that raise the devil gave way to raise Cain which found favor because of its greater brevity and musicality. Since the first recorded American usage involves a pun, it is safe to assume that the expression was commonplace by that time.

Why have we every reason to believe that Adam and Eve were both rowdies? Because … they both raised Cain. (St. Louis Pennant, May, 1840)

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.boisterousness - a turbulent and stormy state of the sea
storminess - the state of being stormy; "he dreaded the storminess of the North Atlantic in winter"
2.boisterousness - the property of being noisy and lively and unrestrained
noisiness, racketiness - the auditory effect characterized by loud and constant noise
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
I tire of the labour of thinking, and, when the table is finished, start practical jokes and set all playing at games, which we carry on with bucolic boisterousness.
They cough when I speak: they think coughing an objection to strong winds --they divine nothing of the boisterousness of my happiness!
During the night the wind lulled as though reposing after the boisterousness of the day, and the Victoria remained quietly at the top of the tall sycamore.
He laughed and talked with a strange boisterousness, as the people thought.
The main G20 themes - of sustainable development, global health, women's empowerment, employment, innovation, environment and energy, and the global economy - somehow seemed to have gotten lost in the boisterousness of Osaka.
There was certainly some late boisterousness at Headingley, but raucous it was not.
Tara (Arterton) lives with her businessman husband Mark (Dominic Cooper) and young children, whose boisterousness keep her on edge.
"I believe I can recognise and accept juvenile boisterousness but too often this has become anti-social behaviour.
She can another dog or maybe cats, but due to her size and boisterousness we would recommend a home with older children only.
CAIRO - 21 June 2018: After nearly a three-decade hiatus, Egyptian national team qualified for the group stage of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, but exited it after losing its first two World Cup appearances; the overwhelming state of boisterousness for the do-or-die Russian game eventually turned into a nation-wide misery.
The sheer preposterousness of making adultery into an occasion of a serial blackmail is used to invoke a sense of unabashed boisterousness.