black metal

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black metal

(Music, other)
a. a type of heavy-metal music characterized by extremely nihilistic and satanic lyrics, a repetitive drum beat rapidly alternating betweeen the snare and bass drum (a blast beat), and the ghoulish make-up worn by performers (corpse paint)
b. (as modifier): a black-metal band.
[C20: from the title of an LP by British rock group Venom]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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v Global Monochrome Solar Large Black Metal Lantern.
PS129.99, Oak Furnitureland 6 METRO INDUSTRIAL OAK NEST OF TWO TABLES: Chunky in design with thick oak tops and contrasting black metal box section frames.
A dad who claims he found a black metal screw inside his pepperoni pizza is calling on Co-op to investigate amid concerns a child could have choked.
To accessorise her look she wore black metal dangler earrings which had green and red stone embedded in it along with black metal bangles and kadas.
We called it Dopethrone because we're really into the band Darkthrone and the black metal aspect.
Browning didn't speak of Matthews' motives, which are still under investigation, but did point to his involvement in ( "black metal music"  a subgenre of "heavy metal," as a possible influence.
THE Purdy chair from Oak Furnitureland offers a classic, rounded tub chair design yet with slender black metal legs.
With Belzebubs, he introduces the "mockumentary" of a somewhat typical family, with one major exception: they're all Satan-worshipping, corpse paint-wearing, black metal fans.
Left: Small double black metal four poster bed, PS245, Cuckooland .com Right: Fox & Ivy mercury glass table lamp, PS45, Tesco Left: Fox & Ivy hexagonal mirror, PS12.
A small number have been removed or transformed, including one at a former flashpoint in Ardoyne, North Belfast, which was modified to lower height black metal railings in 2016.