black marketeer

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: marketeer - someone who engages illegally in trade in scarce or controlled commoditiesblack marketeer - someone who engages illegally in trade in scarce or controlled commodities
black market - people who engage in illicit trade
provider, supplier - someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity marketeer - deal on the black market
crime, criminal offence, criminal offense, law-breaking, offense, offence - (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act; "a long record of crimes"
sell, trade, deal - do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"
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black marketeer

[blækˌmɑːkəˈtɪəʳ] nborsanerista m/f
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(blӕk) adjective
1. of the colour in which these words are printed. black paint.
2. without light. a black night; The night was black and starless.
3. dirty. Your hands are black!; black hands from lifting coal.
4. without milk. black coffee.
5. evil. black magic.
6. (often offensive. currently acceptable in the United States, South Africa etc) Negro, of African, West Indian descent.
7. (especially South Africa) coloured; of mixed descent (increasingly used by people of mixed descent to refer to themselves).
1. the colour in which these words are printed. Black and white are opposites.
2. something (eg paint) black in colour. I've used up all the black.
3. (often with capital. often offensive: currently acceptable in the United states, South Africa etc) a Negro; a person of African, West Indian etc descent.
to make black.
ˈblackness noun
ˈblacken verb
1. to make or become black. The sky blackened before the storm.
2. to make to seem bad. She blackened his character.
3. to clean with black polish. He blackened his boots.
black art/magic
magic performed for evil reasons. He tries to practise black magic.
ˈblackbird noun
a dark-coloured bird of the thrush family.
ˈblackboard noun
a dark-coloured board for writing on in chalk (used especially in schools).
black box
a built-in machine for automatic recording of the details of a plane's flight. They found the black box two miles away from the wreckage of the crashed plane.
the Black Death noun
the plague that killed large numbers of people in Europe in the 14th to 18th centuries.
black eye
an eye with bad bruising around it (eg from a punch). George gave me a black eye.
ˈblackhead noun
a small black-topped lump in a pore of the skin, especially of the face.
ˈblacklist noun
a list of people who are out of favour etc.
to put (a person etc) on such a list.
ˈblackmail verb
to obtain money illegally from (a person), usually by threatening to make known something which the victim wants to keep secret.
the act of blackmailing. money got by blackmail.
ˈblackmailer noun
Black Maria (məˈraiə)
a prison van. The policeman took the three suspects to the police station in a Black Maria.
black market
(a place for) the illegal buying and selling, at high prices, of goods that are scarce, rationed etc. coffee on the black market.
black marketeer
a person who sells goods on the black market.
ˈblackout noun
1. a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights. Accidents increase during a blackout.
2. a ban (on news etc). a blackout of news about the coup.
3. a period of unconsciousness. He has had several blackouts during his illness.
4. a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.
5. (also outage) a period of a general power failure.
6. (in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.
black sheep
a member of a family or group who is unsatisfactory in some way. My brother is the black sheep of the family.
ˈblacksmith noun
a person who makes and repairs by hand things made of iron. The blacksmith made a new shoe for the horse.
black and blue
badly bruised. After the fight the boy was all black and blue.
black out
to lose consciousness. He blacked out for almost a minute.
in black and white
in writing or print. Would you put that down in black and white?
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Private Walker: Mathew Horne, 40, takes over as the black marketeer from James Beck, who died in 1973, aged 44.
According to 9to5Google, a Ukrainian black marketeer might be responsible for all the leaks of Google's next flagship.
A ghostly figure called Ava (Hannah John-Kamen) who suffers from molecular disequilibrium, black marketeer Sonny Burch (Walton Goggins) and lecturer Bill Foster (Laurence Fishburne) become entangled in Hank and Hope's plans.
Over several days here, I was pretty good at spotting the basic black marketeer offering tickets from "a friend" who "wasn't able to make it."
He stars as Nick Morton, an impish US soldier and black marketeer who is cursed when he opens a tomb in the Iraqi desert.
"While fixing up the tryst with our destiny, Nehru, the builder of this midnight country, had also offered to erect a few lamp posts across the countryside - not to get us electricity but to hang the corrupt, the black marketeer and the hawala trader on".
Synopsis: A story of World War II and set in western Soviet Union during Germany's retreat, "Death Steppe" by Judy Bruce follows the lives of a Russian war widow, a dissident, Christian, and black marketeer, as she serves as a medic on the front lines, and a disillusioned German lieutenant, a former professor and concentration camp officer, as he fights in a losing effort.
Story: In German-occupied Paris, a young unemployed Algerian named Younes earns his living as a black marketeer. Arrested by the French police but given a chance to avoid jail, Younes agrees to spy on the Paris Mosque.
A satisfying wartime espionage drama focused on little-noted intersections between Arabic emigres and the French Resistance, "Free Men" stars Tahar Rahim as a black marketeer caught up amid dangerous intrigue in German-occupied Paris.
Everybody needed the black market, as all the authorities tacitly admitted; nobody liked a real black marketeer. Hardship and the commitment to the systeme D might have called such profiteers into existence and guaranteed that they should prosper, yet they were still the easiest of villains to hate.
But in the opinion of Johnny Murtagh, the race made a man of the horse and he certainly hasn't looked back since, thriving like a black marketeer in post-war Berlin.
Down the aisle, Akiyama overheard two young women clad in colourful skirts discussing a dapper-looking man whom they disparagingly identified as a black marketeer. "He must be doing well," one woman sneered, "with those fine clothes." Akiyama reflected on their hypocrisy, given that they themselves were well-dressed and off to sell their official rations on the black market.