big beat

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big beat

Popular music, especially rock music, having a strong backbeat.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

big beat

(Pop Music)
a. an eclectic type of dance music in which heavy beats and samples are layered over the songs or instrumental tracks of other performers or bands
b. (as modifier): a big-beat compilation.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The 56-year-old big beat DJ, real name Norman Cook, is already part-owner of the Big Beach Cafe in Hove, Brighton.
Sonic beats and sampleheavy Brummies, PWEI are touring their 1989 This is the Day album, boldly pre-dating Massive Attack's Blue Lines, Rap Metal, Big Beat and The Prodigy.
This 18-track, budget priced album includes original songs such as Thursday Night 1972, Tangled Leads, The Art Of The Meltdown, Shadows In The Night, Human After All, Playtime Is Over and Big Beat Radio.
Inside Ty Pawb, as well as along Chester Street, visitors will be able to enjoy live music from artists including The Big Beat, Wrexham Community Choir, Baby Brave and the Black Park Accordion Club, a fairground stall with a Victorian twist, arts, craft, food and drink stalls, a children's playground and Techniquest Glyndwr's StarDome Planetarium, with more acts and activities to be announced.
? Tower Ballroom, New Brighton, November 10, 1961 THIS poster helped spread the word about the first Operation Big Beat, which was organised by promoter Sam Leach.
This year 3Live will host DJ sets from Marcus O'Laoire, 3's Big Beat Bingo and 3Jukebox.
A recipient of 10 MTV Music Awards, two Brit Awards, seven UK Top Ten singles, and a number one album (1998's You've Come a Long Way, Baby ), which has sold more than 5 million copies, Fatboy Slim is credited with popularising the 'big beat' (synthesizer-heavy electronic music) genre in the 90s, with hits such as The Rockafeller Skank , Praise You , Right Here Right Now , and Weapon of Choice.
The schedule and lineup for The Big Beat Broadcast show -- featuring local writers reading the works of the great poets accompanied by jazz music -- scheduled for this weekend has changed.
Extra Curricular, Big Beat Bronson, Jamie Squire and Pikey Beatz were among the other acts in performing in the grounds of Tynedale Rugby Club.
After moving to London in 2011, they caught the attention of French label Maison Kitsune, followed by Atlantic imprint Big Beat, who released this past summer's "I Love It," their maniacally happy breakout single written by Charli XCX and produced by Robyn collaborator Patrik Berger.
Experimenting with Pop group Death with Richard looping hip hop beats, he became a reluctant hero of big beat, a resident DJ at the hallowed Heavenly Social and soon found himself putting a live band together to tour the first Death in Vegas album.
'Young Man With the Big Beat: The Complete '56 Elvis Presley Masters', a five-CD box set of the star's early recordings, has been tipped in the Best Historical Album category by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.