

(Clothing & Fashion) a type of lace collar attached to a low-necked dress
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
`Sister, you know mother's name is Berthe. I don't know if I ought to get B for Berthe, or M for Mother.'
Her dress was not uncomfortable anywhere; her lace berthe did not droop anywhere; her rosettes were not crushed nor torn off; her pink slippers with high, hollowed-out heels did not pinch, but gladdened her feet; and the thick rolls of fair chignon kept up on her head as if they were her own hair.
By comparison with life in the prison, Berthe found life in the camp considerably more comfortable.
When George Berthe, the 1997 National Aboriginal Achievement Awards Youth Recipient, was introduced to the audience at the ceremony at Calgary's Jubilee Auditorium, his hands shot into the air in an exclamation of youthful exuberance.
The edited essays were originally presented as lectures at a symposium at Mount Holyoke College as a complement to the exhibition Berthe Morisot--Impressionist.
Saimagund On the mandarin side of things, the aforementioned twenty-fifth anniversary issue has some other delights: Jim Miller's essay on Foucault; Ellen Willis on Stanley Crouch; Roger Shattuck on a painting by John La Farge; and a little gem by Mary Gordon on the painter Berthe Morisot.
The country's youngest Woman Fide Master (WFM) Antonella Berthe "Tonelle" Murillo Racasa went down in defeat to one of the tournament's highest-ranked players in an inauspicious start in the World Cadets Chess Championships yesterday in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain.
A cet effet, Rachid Belhout qui a aligne durant les 120 minutes de jeu le defenseur camerounais Aminou Bouba et l'attaquant malgache Paulin Voavey, a fait rentrer un troisieme joueur etranger, le defenseur malien Ousmane Berthe a la 120e minute a la place de Guerabis.
Other cast members include Pat Lawrence (Mother Abbess), Julie Holston (Sister Berthe), Brooke Haley (Sister Margaretta), Kelley Manson (Sister Sophia); Amanda Lanza and Phoenix Mathieu (postulants), and Hillary Arsenault, Sharon Frechette, Sophie Glasser, Janice Mclean, Dyan Pollock, Gina Powers and Priscilla Smith (nuns); Joe Arsenault (Franz), Janice McLean (Frau Schmidt), Amanda Lanza (Ursula), Johnny Bakis (Rolf), Cindy Holt (Elsa), Ryan Hebert (Max), Nate Leonard (Herr Zeller), Gina Powers (Frau Zeller), Tom Sargent (Baron Elberfeld), Dyan Pollock, (Baroness Elberfeld); and Johnny Bakis, Christian Hoffman, Nate Leonard and Tom Sargent (Nazis).
This teeming, charming harvest of luxe and calme (but not volupte) brings together the pupils, disciples, friends and sometime lover of Manet and Degas: Mary Cassatt and Berthe Morisot and, in the second 11, Marie Bracquemond and Eva Gonzales.