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Related to Berwickshire: Selkirkshire


(ˈbɛrɪkˌʃɪə; -ʃə)
(Placename) (until 1975) a county of SE Scotland: part of the Borders region from 1975 to 1996, now part of Scottish Borders council area
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She thanked Aileen for giving up her time and coming all the way from Berwickshire to give such an interesting and at times an emotional insight into the life ofWojtek.
Entwistle pled guilty to engaging in a course of conduct likely to cause the woman fear and alarm at Greenlaw and Duns, both Berwickshire, between January 2016 and January this year.
Helen Forsyth, of Berwickshire Housing Association, who own the nursery, said: "We are truly sorry this has happened.
Name: Michael Moore Previous title: MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk New title: Devolution adviser
Class 37 Heifer in calf or with calf at foot: 1 Mr A Hall, Preston Tilery Farm, Darlington; 2 DA & SM Miller, Crookdale Mill, Wigton; 3 G & A Hamilton, Ramrig Farm, Berwickshire.
The mother, who lives in Berwickshire, said she was trying to protect her daughter.
The accident happened as the man and his brother, described as in their 20s, were walking at St Abbs near Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Bob Abercrombie, watch manager at Forth Coastguard, said an emergency call was received just before 1pm.
A police spokesman said: ``Two trawlers were fishing together 130 miles east of Eyemouth, Berwickshire, when the Bonadventure discovered what appears to be a human skull.
Corporal Kevin Collum, 29, from Burnmouth, Berwickshire, was on a training exercise in the Gulf with the Royal Logistic Corps when the vehicle he was driving was involved in an accident.
He was bought by the firm of SR Findlay, Cockburnspath, Berwickshire.