

wearing goggles
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The notion that begoggled designers would pace around a virtual car to scrutinize how shadows fall across fenders will please science fiction fans.
Our Krypton Son is a super man If we keep harping on about Our Krypton Son, the new outfit led by Red Organ Serpent Sound's begoggled guitarist Chris McConaghy, it's for good reason.
"Christmas Eve, in case you'd forgotten." The begoggled reindeer turned away and continued packing his bag, which is really hard when you've got hooves.
With Heinlein's dream of a begoggled pedestrian commuting at 100 miles an hour dancing in your head, pokey old escalators may not seem like much of a consolation.
The tall, begoggled star of the Minneapolis Lakers had established the prevailing definition of the pivotman, relying on low-post bulk and close-range touch.
At 22 years old, dawson is still enraptured by his mentor -- Maddin's influence pervades the elegiac tone and begoggled characters inhabiting Film (Lode) -- but dawson's own talents do emerge.
In the afternoon, encased in a voluminous flying suit, helmeted and begoggled, I soared up skywards on a blast of air over Eilat.
A tornado of sand blinded the revelers, drove them to their knees as they were encircled by begoggled men bearing flashlights and batons.
Given the ability of computer-generated images to create a whole virtual world for the begoggled spectator, the undermining of the "subject" takes on a new shape.
In actuality, John Garretson (the Boss) is performing in front of a camera in a mini-television studio in the theatre's wings; his image is electronically inserted into the virtual world seen by the begoggled audience.