Begonia semperflorens

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Related to Begonia semperflorens: wax begonia
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Noun1.Begonia semperflorens - hybrid fibrous-rooted begonia having broad-ovate green to bronze-red leaves and small clusters of white or pink or red flowersBegonia semperflorens - hybrid fibrous-rooted begonia having broad-ovate green to bronze-red leaves and small clusters of white or pink or red flowers; widely used as a bedding plant
begonia - any of numerous plants of the genus Begonia grown for their attractive glossy asymmetrical leaves and colorful flowers in usually terminal cymes or racemes
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Bold and beautiful Begonia semperflorens Organdy Mixed is grown from F1 seed - the best quality seed on the market.
A stunning mixture of Begonia semperflorens Organdy Mixed, grown from F1 Seed, the best quality seed on the market.
That said, some seed-raised plants, including busy Lizzies and Begonia semperflorens, will flower well and long in the right conditions.
Use key plants such as bedding geraniums, begonia semperflorens, fuchsias and verbenas that are still in peak condition to build new recipes.
Good fillers include busy Lizzies or Begonia semperflorens, which will add extra volume.
Good fillers include busy Lizzies or Begonia semperflorens, which will plants, choose one bulky trailing plant such as Petunia 'Surfinia', which will run down the sides and underneath.
It is a large group within the begonia family called fibrous begonias, known botanically as Begonia semperflorens ("always flowering'').
Two Begonia semperflorens cultivars, Sweetheart Mix and BabyWing White, were used.
I have grown Begonia semperflorens Organdy Mixed for the last two summers and can thoroughly recommend them as a superb alternative.
Big double flowers of Non-stop begonias make a great centrepiece and dwarf Begonia semperflorens will be in demand as a replacement for Busy Lizzies, now being discouraged because of susceptibility to Downy Mildew disease.
Use a heated propagator to sow half-hardy annuals and other bedding plants including antirrhinums, African marigolds, Begonia semperflorens, gazanias and lobelias.