

a person who befriends
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"So, in the past people have done some jigsaws or some arts and crafts in the befriender's house.
"She commented both had an increased understanding of each other and her daughter had greatly benefitted from having a befriender who she could share her views and concerns with."
MUSICAL TRIBUTE: Madeline Hayes is one of Leonard Cheshire in Scotland's youngest volunteers and has been an active befriender
hUh Today Katie Burton, a volunteer befriender for Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin will start a 106km hike where she plans to walk non-stop around the Isle of Wight and later this year she will be one more than 40,000 runners participating in the world's biggest half-marathon, the Great North Run.
"We have a variety of volunteering roles available from helping with supermarket shopping, to delivering our customers' grocery orders to being a volunteer befriender to help alleviate loneliness.
THE Royal Air Forces Association is encouraging members of the RAF family in the Liverpool area to get in touch if they're feeling isolated or lonely, and their life could be brightened by visits from a volunteer befriender.
THE Royal Air Forces Association is encouraging members of the RAF family in the Manchester area to get in touch if they are feeling isolated or lonely and their life could be brightened by visits from a volunteer befriender.
A volunteer befriender is someone from the local community who wants to give their time and use their skills to benefit someone we support.
If you would like to volunteer as a befriender to an older person please ring Claire on 024 7643 3980 or if you would like to donate go to Many thanks.
It also supports a befriender service available at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, and Morriston Hospital in Swansea for patients in need of support.
A donation of PS10 a month helps pay for a befriender to meet regularly with someone with autism - and PS20 a month helps provide practical support to someone with autism who is looking for work.