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Related to Bega: Vega


n.1.See Bigha.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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With a stic I pushed it closer and closer, until at last he touched it wit his beak; the paper was then instantly torn off with fury and at the same moment, every bird in the long row bega struggling and flapping its wings.
Lou Bega's Mambo No.5 sold so many imported copies that it nudged into the charts at number 40 - the first track to do so since The Jam achieved the feat with That's Entertainment in 1981.
Bega cuts a striking figure in a chart dominated by pasty-faced boy bands and his music adds a sexy sizzle to radio shows overloaded with repetitive dance tracks.
GERMAN-based Lou Bega stays at No.1 for a second week with his updated version of Mambo King, Perez Prado's 1951 song.
A new show house has opened at Kebbell Homes' St Bega's Glade development in Tunstall, Hartlepool.
STRAIGHT to the top spot for the Italian trio to complete a hat trick of Europop No.1s.LOU BEGA
GERMAN-based Lou Bega's cover of Perez Prado's 1951 Latino song, is the millennium's answer to Jive Bunny.
Six primary schools ( Clavering, St John Vianney, St Bega's, Stranton, St Helen's and Lynnfield ( have been collecting unwanted items, including toys and clothes, in a scheme run by Hartlepool Council.
It's a new version of Mambo No 5, which was a hit for Lou Bega in 1999.
The foundation now funds nurses at Albury-Wodonga on the border of NSW and Victoria, Bega and Moruya on the South Coast, and in Perth.