base camp

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base camp

nBasislager nt, → Versorgungslager nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

base camp

ncampo m base inv
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
In the morning Colonel Capell came from the base camp in one of the planes that was to carry Smith-Oldwick and the girl to the east.
Francesco Cassardo, a 30-year-old doctor from the northern Piedmont region,on Saturday gave up on reaching the 6,955-metre summit of Gasherbrum VII and was returning to base camp when he fell, Italian media reported.
1 / 2 The group of 16 Saudis made the 15-day journey to the base camp on the south side of the mountain.
A FATHER and son team braved turbulent weather to raise Bahrain's flag on the South Base Camp of Mount Everest, thousands of metres above sea level.
GILGIT -- The first stage of 'Tour de Khunjerab 2019' cycle race concluded on Thursday as 138 contestants paddled 67 kilometres from Gilgit to the Rakaposhi base camp.
Summary: Pithoragarh (Uttarakhand) [India], June 24 (ANI): Dead bodies of the seven mountaineers found in an avalanche site in Nanda Devi is set to be brought to base camp in two days time, said a government official on Monday.
The group was attempting to scale Nanda Devi, India's second highest mountain, but failed to return to base camp last Sunday.
The SAR team was deployed yesterday after Gabriel failed to contact the base camp of his whereabouts.
Representing the country in a 10-day thrilling hike to Everest, a Filipina mountaineer took pride as she raised the Philippine flag in a red terno at the mountain's base camp.
A group of Palestinians has reached the base camp of Mount Everest, flying the Palestinian flag in celebration.
The helicopter picked up Marco Confortola and a number of his colleagues from a base camp on the mountain.