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(Geological Science) a black basaltic rock containing plagioclase, augite, olivine, and nepheline, leucite, or analcite, formerly used as a touchstone
[C18: see basalt]
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Iron Chloride (Fe[Cl.sub.3]) Chloride corrosion products Iron Chloride Hydrate (Fe[Cl.sub.2]-4[H.sub.2]0) Calcite (CaC[O.sub.3]) Carbonate scale Aragonite (CaC[O.sub.3]) Siderite (FeC[O.sub.3]) Basanite (CaS[O.sub.4].
El-Anbaawy, "Chemical changes and authigenic mineral formation during palagonitization of a basanite hyaloclastite, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands," Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie-Abhandlungen, vol.
Two main lineages are apparent for the potassic rock-types (Figure 5 and inset (II)): (1) a silica undersatured lineage (B-P) ranging from basanite to phonolite and peralkaline phonolite and (2) a silica-saturated lineage (AB-T) ranging from alkali basalt to trachyphonolite and trachyte [13,42,44].
Lavas recovered from Bowie seamount range from alkalic basalt and basanite through hawaiite, mugearite and benmoreite (Engel et al.
During this period volcanic activities continued locally, represented by analcite bearing basanite and andesites.
In the Montreal area such rocks are mostly alkaline syenite, monzonite, basanite or alkali olivine basalt, and lamprophyre, especially camptonite (Hodgson, 1968; Eby, 1985).
This glass is compositionally similar to groundmass glass in the host basanite. 2) Silica-undersaturated alkaline glass associated with amphibole in peridotites.
Thermoclasty does not appear to explain spheroidal weathering in concentric layers (exfoliation or onionskin weathering), common in rocks such as basanite. These instead seem to be due to the action of water.
Lava flows from San Martin Tuxtla are classified as basanite and alkali basalt.
Figure 2 reveals that most analyzed samples lie in the fields of basalt and basanite, except a few samples fall in foidite and picrobasalt field (Figure 2(a)).
The volcanic rocks comprise of pillowed (Fig.3b) and massive basanite, alkali-basalt, and trachy-basalt and also occur as hyaloclastite and reworked volcanic breccias (Fig.
Three reference suites from Iceland, Moorea and Tristan da Cunha illustrate (respectively) the tholeiitic series containing basalt to rhyolite, the alkaline series with alkali basalts to trachytes and a strongly alkaline series, beginning with basanite and ultimately yielding phonolite; few oceanic islands contain tholeiiteseries rocks.