

a barricade or barrier, particularly one in front of a castle or enclosing the grounds of a tournament
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References in periodicals archive ?
The life of the occupant struck him of a sudden as more charged with possession even than Chad's or than Miss Barrace's; wide as his glimpse had lately become of the empire of "things," what was before him still enlarged it: the lust of the eyes and the pride of life had indeed thus their temple.
A perceptive, bright young man, Little Bilham becomes the confident of the ambassadors and, along with a friend, Miss Barrace, their interpreters of social and artistic life in Paris.
Miss Barrace, a shrewd, witty, understanding woman living in Paris.
Cantavam nas noites primevas, ainda arranchados nos 'barraces da Imigracao'.--Cantavam quando em grupos, os vares se embrenhavam na selva, em busca de suas 'colonias' para o desbocamento.