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A city of northwest-central Colombia on the Magdalena River west of Bucaramanga. It is a river port.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
* Articulo de reflexion con base en una estancia misionera e investigativa realizada en la ciudad de Barrancabermeja, en el Servicio Jesuita para Refugiados.
When her family left the island, she took the culture of Mompox with her to Barrancabermeja and to Villavicencio and finally to Bogota, where they set up house by unpacking the flame of tradition, along with her personal possessions.
In mid-March, Eugenio Sanchez Diaz, a union activist in the oil town of Barrancabermeja was dragged from his home and shot in the street.
The team is in Barrancabermeja making their presence known to armed actors, patrolling the streets at night in an attempt to reduce levels of violence.
The refining center of Barrancabermeja has been the site of increasingly bloody battles between rightwing paramilitaries and leftist guerrillas and the military does not patrol some parts of the city at night for fear of ambushes.