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Relating to or caused by bacteria: a bacterial enzyme.

bac·te′ri·al n.
bac·te′ri·al·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.bacterially - by bacteria; "spreads bacterially"
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All approved CAR T and other redirected cell therapies are manufactured using DNA that is bacterially derived and then delivered to the patient's T cells by a virus.
The combined effect of bacterially induced local inflammation within the tumour and the blockade of CD47 leads to increased ingestion, or phagocytosis of tumour cells and subsequently to enhanced activation and proliferation of T cells within the treated tumours.
More than two-thirds of households drink bacterially contaminated water and, every year, 53,000 Pakistani children die of diarrhoea after drinking it, says Unicef.
UNICEF reports claim that a major chunk of household population namely 70 percent is still drinking bacterially contaminated water.
Parents who had immense fun taking their kids on Brexit marches with homemade placards will love looking at the photos of these great days out, and some people may even get a warm and fuzzy sensation when looking at that red bus from the referendum campaign with the PS350m NHS slogan (other people may have a feeling more akin to what you experience after eating bacterially sabotaged chicken).
coli), as described in a forthcoming Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) ("Notes from the Field: Bloodstream and Joint Infections in Patients After Receiving Bacterially Contaminated Umbilical Cord Blood-derived Stem Cell Products for Non-hematopoietic Conditions--United States, 2018.")
First, it's not even well-established that a strong stomach, bacterially speaking, is the secret to clear skin.
[21.] Nemati, M., Greene, E.A., and Voordouw, G., Permeability Profile Modification using Bacterially Formed Calcium Carbonate: Comparison with Enzymic Option, Process Biochemistry, 40(2), 2005, pp.
This is a bacterially derived enzyme which recognizes a fixed, usually palindromic, short (~4-8 bp) DNA sequence and provides a pair of cuts in the sugar-phosphate backbone.
Some two-thirds of Pakistani households drink bacterially contaminated or otherwise compromised water, no surprise when we consider that far too many of our natural waterways are choked with filth.

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