back entrance

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Noun1.back entrance - an entrance at the rear of a buildingback entrance - an entrance at the rear of a building
exterior door, outside door - a doorway that allows entrance to or exit from a building
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References in classic literature ?
They approached his house by a back entrance, lest they should attract the notice of the crowd, and went into an upper room which faced towards the street; the windows, however, in common with those of every other room in the house, were boarded up inside, in order that, out of doors, all might appear quite dark.
"There's a back entrance to the house!" I thought to myself--and ran down the side street.
A score of women serfs, old and young, as well as children, popped out from the back entrance to have a look at the hunters who were arriving.
In something less than two minutes she had left it again by a back entrance, stepped into another taxicab which was just setting down a passenger, and was well on her way back towards Pall Mall.
The back entrance was approachable enough, but barred or watched, I might be very sure.
Fortunately, however, he had not been taken; the people, believing that he had escaped by some back entrance, retired and left him at liberty to retreat.
The noise grew suddenly more clamorous, for it was discovered that a long line of ants had found their way on to the table-cloth by a back entrance, and if success could be gauged by noise, Hewet had every reason to think his party a success.
Hence he could command, across the clean gravel court-yard, the back entrance of the stables with which one of his bells communicated, and into this yard the coachman issued from his premises as into a dock, and Osborne swore at him from the study window.
No man knows whether this part or that is most so, but every man may do some honest work in his own corner." And then the good man went on to talk wisely to Tom of the sort of work which he might take up as an undergraduate, and warned him of the prevalent university sins, and explained to him the many and great differences between university and school life, till the twilight changed into darkness, and they heard the truant servants stealing in by the back entrance.
She therefore led Ulysses out of the back entrance of the palace, and showed him the swine in their sty.
Neither the front nor the back entrance of the Custom-House opens on the road to Paradise.
"The front and back entrances are watched, but with caution we may get away through the side window and across the fields.