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(Electronics) electronics the secondary emission of electrons from an anode
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If a land owner wants to convert ETS registered forested land to another use they can now do this without paying back emissions units, as long as they plant a forest elsewhere with the same carbon storage.
With changes to its landscaping, HP Inc.'s Boise Idaho Campus saves 82,900 cubic meters of water annually, has cut back emissions by 90% and reduced landscaping costs by 50%.
European tests have found several carmakers using a legal loophole allowing them to throttle back emissions treatments under certain circumstances, ostensibly to protect engines.
The cap-and-trade proposal, which rewards large emissions reductions at the expense of those who fail to scale back emissions, will be reintroduced in the session that opens Monday, but whether lawmakers will find time to consider it is an open question.
While the car was identical in looks and interior trim to its petrol-powered FR sibling, the powerful 140bhp two-litre common-rail TDI was then the most powerful diesel car in its segment, while having the added bonus of cutting back emissions to just 119g/km.
The gases are used in air conditioners and refrigerators and China - by far the largest producer of HFCs - had until recently resisted efforts by the United States and other nations to scale back emissions of the gases.
"We urge developed country parties to Kyoto Protocol to raise their level of ambition in Doha, consistent with what is required by the science and their historical responsibility." But the EU stood by an eight-year commitment period and -- in a veiled appeal to the emerging giants to do more -- said the period should be seen "as a floor, not as a ceiling." The 27-nation EU has unilaterally promised to scale back emissions by 20 percent by 2020 compared with 1990 levels, and extend this to 30 percent if other major polluters follow suit.
Electric vehicles will help cut back emissions from gas-powered vehicles, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and spur sustainable economic development.
The rich countries blamed China (the world's worst offender) and other emerging economies for refusing to cut their emission levels while the emerging economies argued back that it was all very well for the advanced nations to ask each other to cut back emissions when they had been polluting the atmosphere for centuries as they build up their industries.