baby broker

baby broker

an adoption service, esp on the internet
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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She becomes a milliner's apprentice, a baby broker and partners with a local pickpocket.
He is also the author of 'Horror in Hocking County', 'Alzheimer's Dutiful Daughter' and 'Dedicated Doctor or Baby Broker,' all of which may be found at
A woman who identified herself as a baby broker said her usual customers were couples who were unable to have children.
The Kilshaws, who paid US baby broker Tina Johnson pounds 8,200 to adopt the girls, began a legal battle with the local authority.
The Kilshaws, who shot to fame after adopting American twin girls through a US baby broker, were refused legal aid to present their case.
The Kilshaws, who paid US baby broker Tina Johnson pounds 8,200 to adopt the girls, began a legal battle with Flintshire Social Services in January when it took the girls into care.
A former independent social worker on Teesside has demanded an apology from the High Court judge who prompted a top-level criminal probe into her role in a controversial "baby broker" case.
"It's cheaper and easier to buy a baby for $100.00 than to have one of your own." (1) This was the brash slogan of one Chicago baby broker, whose adoption business was revealed during a 1917 investigation of commercial child-caring arrangements known as baby farms.
In January, it emerged that the Kilshaws had paid more than pounds 8,000 to a US baby broker for twins Belinda and Kimberly, only to have the adoption challenged by a Californian couple who claimed they had already "bought" the youngsters from their birth mother.
They paid a U.S baby broker pounds 8,200 - one reason they are in debt.
Mrs Kilshaw says she will stop paying taxes as a mark of protest against the "establishment", which she blames for her unsuccessful fight to keep twins Kimberley and Belinda - the couple paid a US baby broker pounds 8,200 to adopt them.
Judith and Alan Kilshaw, who claim to have adopted the six-month-old girls from natural mother Tranda Wecker via an American baby broker, did not attend a progress hearing at the High Court, Birmingham.