Baby farming

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Ba´by farm`ing

1.The business of keeping a baby farm.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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In the days before abortions, there was a market for unwanted babies and Sophia turned to this practice, known as baby farming, for money.
Chapter 1 sets the context, explaining the childcare practices that were common in the late 19th century, and society's attitudes at the time towards unmarried mothers, illegitimacy and 'baby farming'.
Q: Why did you choose to write about baby farming in your new book?
WHEN Caitlin Davies moved to an Edwardian house in London three years ago, she discovered two erstwhile neighbours had been in the business of baby farming.
When author Caitlin Davies moved to an Edwardian house in north London three years ago, she too discovered a sinister trail involving two erstwhile neighbours who were in the business of baby farming.
MANAMA: Bahrain is cracking down on 'baby farming' with tough new rules for private IVF (invitro fertilisation) clinics.
Her own sister Louise Walls, 37, says Theresa's baby farming makes her feel physically ill and has begged authorities to make her stop.
Splott mother-of-three Leslie, whose real name was Rhoda Willis, was part of a sickening criminal practice called baby farming.
The section on motherhood also addresses the practice of "baby farming," the home-based, often hazardous precursor to modern daycare, and frequently the only option for single working mothers (157).
As Broder notes, attention to sensational accounts of baby farming obscured a more difficult reality in which mothers had limited choices because of poverty and the stigma of illegitimacy enforced by the respectable working class.