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Related to associationist: Associationist psychology


 (ə-sō′sē-ā′shə-nĭz′əm, ə-sō′shē-)
The psychological theory that association is the basic principle of all mental activity.

as·so′ci·a′tion·ist adj. & n.
as·so′ci·a′tion·is′tic adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Psychology) a person who believes in and promotes the principle of associationism whereby an association of thoughts leads to intellectual progressions or processes
(Psychology) relating to the principle of associationism whereby an association of thoughts leads to intellectual progressions or processes
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Antebellum associationist communities inspired by these thinkers include Utopia, Ohio, and La Reunion, Texas, both of which were Fourierist, and New Harmony, Indiana, which was founded upon Owenian principles.
Keynes's characterisation of political economy as a 'positive science,' the sole province of which is to establish economic uniformities; and in this resort to the associationist expedient of defining a natural law as a 'uniformity,' Mr.
It is also worth comparing these with earlier and contemporary Utopian socialist experiments such as the Owenite colonies, the Associationist phalanxes, and the Mormon commune at Kirtland, Ohio.
George also explains how Hume's associationist psychology tends to contravene criteria for evaluating testimony regarding miracles.
On the road to an associationist economy, Mill envisions a two-fold process whereby (1) workers come to exercise ownership and control over individual firms, and (2) the multiplication of such firms leads to a cooperative society marked by industrial democracy.
The mechanics of Associationist psychology, the dominant psychological paradigm for most of the nineteenth century, explained how feeling worked and thus how clarity, like that Arnold imputed to the Homeric "grand style," intensified reader affect.
With the evolution of the studies currently understanding of brain function began to be studied based on the associationist theory and cognitive deficits and behavioural changes will depend on the site of injury associated with frontal circuits, parietal cortical temporal and subcortical (Catani et al.
There are three levels of cognitive semantic representations with respect to the level of abstraction (Gardenfors 2004): connectivist (associationist), conceptual and symbolic (figure 2.1).
Though this appears as anthropomorphism, or an associationist aesthetic, such imaginative moments are bound to re-visioning real subterranean environments and though the initial value of the cave is evoked through its association with the human imagination, it does begin to free the underground from hundreds of years of cultural oblivion.
In this sense, Merleau-Ponty (2012) proposes that we recover the associationist notion of body schema.
This textbook on the principles of learning and behavior outlines concepts related to conditioning and learning, emphasizes that learning procedures are built on behavior systems shaped by evolution, and provides an account of the field in terms of both the Pavlovian associationist tradition and the Skinnerian behavior-analytic tradition.
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