

(Animals) the state of being an ape
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
He was full grown now, with the grace of a Greek god and the thews of a bull, and, by all the tenets of apedom, should have been sullen, morose, and brooding; but he was not.
Nearly five years have separated me from apedom, a short time perhaps if measured by the calendar, but an endlessly long time to gallop through it as I have done, here and there accompanied by splendid human beings, advice and counsel, applause and orchestral music, but basically alone, since all my attendants in order to keep their image intact kept far from the barrier.
Coetzee poses the problem by putting it into a hypothetical thought process of Sultan, one of the chimpanzees Wolfgang Kohler evaluated as to chimpanzee capabilities: "somehow, as [Sultan] inches through this labyrinth of constraint, manipulation and duplicity, he must realize that on no account dare he give up, for on his shoulders rests the responsibility of representing apedom. The fate of his brothers and sisters may be determined by how well he performs." COETZEE, supra note 14, at 74.
Thade doesn't like the human traits that are invading apedom. As a species, he finds humans disgusting.
Enraged by such a betrayal, apedom's ever-agitated military leader Thade (Tim Roth) convinces Ari's venerable father (David Warner, back again to "Morgan" monkeyshines at last) to declare martial law, allowing him to embark on a massive search-and-destroy mission against Leo and his little group.