

vb (intr)
to satisfy
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APAY.OFF to the outgoing registrar of Swansea University was not authorised appropriately, it has emerged.
In Nigeria it operates the Jumi- aPay payment platform and a deliv- ery service of leased warehouses, trucks and motorcycles, and allows African traders to sell online with more than 81,000 active sellers (defined as a retailer who received an order on Jumia in the last 12 months).
APAY rise for Birmingham councillors is a chance to 'value' their work, it has been claimed, despite job losses and industrial disputes.
Itas here that buses disgorge their payloads of well-to-do tourists from the Chinese mainland a with the emphasis on apay.a But the street is still inimitably Hong Kong.
Apay Obang-Oyway, Director of Cloud & Software, UK&I, Ingram Micro, said: "With the responsibility to design, implement and safeguard the infrastructure of the modern workplace falling under IT departments, it's no surprise IT teams are feeling the pressure like never before.
With services like AriseID, aEx, aiExchanger, aTransfer, VISA AriseCard, aTMs, aPocket, AriseCoin and aPay, AriseBank offers a streamlined banking experience available on a variety of consumer-friendly devices including desktops, tablets, smartphones, or smartwatches.
While many end user organisations still perceive IaaS as a colossal move from what is considered a 'traditional IT infrastructure setup', Apay Obang-Oyway at Ingram Micro, suggests that IaaS is central to realising the intelligent future of the cloud, and the channel is ideally placed to deliver it.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that the parties responsible for the attack on Har Dov earlier in the day that claimed the lives of two IDF soldiers would apay the full price for their actions.a Netanyahu made the comments Wednesday evening before a meeting of top army and government officials discussing the attack by Hizbullah terrorists earlier Wednesday.
However, the chairperson of the Jonglei peace commission, James Apay was hit by a stone.
th to as of net Odysseus Why don''t we get all the people who walk out of court with community punishments clean the gum off the streets apay back to the community Huddersfield?
Theyshould rename Parliament 'Fantasy Island' because that the MPs must think And not just the MP'sbut anyone associated could not believe what reading in one of the newspapers when the watchdog who is supposed be sorting out and the expenses is privately recommending apay pounds 15,000!