

a person opposed to sexism
opposed to sexism
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Public policies that are antisexist and that focus on the health sphere should be established in the short-term and should involve the condemnation of prejudiced attitudes on a daily basis, and continuous education of health workers in this area.
A combined antiracist and antisexist position drew us together initially, and as we developed politically we addressed ourselves to heterosexism and economic oppression under capitalism, (pp.
Feminist values included any discussion of female empowerment, equal rights or opportunities between women and men, and antisexist or antimisogynistic discourse.
This post-capitalist pedagogy must also take an anti-racist and antisexist position as one of its central purposes--as the Party currently does.
women of color emerged not just from an antisexist critique of nationalist movements or an antiracist critique of women's liberation, but from the kinds of coalitions between disparate groups of women of color that came together under the banner of Third World Solidarity."
In this way--or by combining the temporal with the spatial aspects of in-betweenness--we are able to recognize that humour can be both sexist and antisexist (or that sexism and antisexism are constitutive outsides) and can avoid the strategy that Billig adopts by accentuating the negative rather than the positive or that Critchley adopts by reconstructing a hierarchical duality of humour and jokes, smiling and laughter.
Bryant's "Reading Progressive Race and Gender Identity Markers in 'From Shadowed Places'." Unlike some of the contributors to part one who never seem to resolve their arguments about I Am Legend's representations of and attitudes toward racial Otherness, Bryant makes clear and cogent arguments drawing on sound theoretical work, namely Toni Morrison's Playing in the Dark (1993); she convincingly argues that Matheson's story, in which a black, female academic who has been trained in the magic of juju and removes a curse from an upper-class white male, manages to portray "racist and sexist issues while expressing progressive antiracist and antisexist sentiments" (143).
For example, Ogunyemi emphasizes the idea of unity between Black men and women (3) Like Walker, Ogunyemi believes that Black men cannot have black women's experiences but they can support African American women by advocating anti-racist and antisexist philosophies in their intellectual and political work.
With the World March of Women, feminists across Canada are fighting to bring back antisexist and anti-heterosexist sexed in the classrooms.