
Also found in: Medical.


a.1.(Med.) Checking the flow of saliva.
n.1.A remedy against excessive salivation.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Sedation Scoring (4-point scale) Degree of Sedation Score Asleep 3 Moderately Drowsy 2 Mild Drowsiness 1 Awake 0 Degree of Anxiety Score Quiet or Comfortable 4 Uneasy 3 Anxious 2 Very Upset or Worried 1 Frightened or Terrified 0 Anxiety Scoring (5-Point Scale) Anti-Siaiagogue Effect Scoring (3-Point Scale) Degree of Dryness Score Dry mouth 2 Moist 1 Wet 0 Antisialagogue effect was scored by checking drying of mouth with a blotting paper by blotting the tongue and inner aspect of cheek for 30 seconds each.
It gained popularity because it produces less tachycardia than atropine, it is a much more potent antisialagogue and does not cross the blood-brain barrier.