anticholinergic drugs

Also found in: Medical.

anticholinergic drugs

These inhibit certain nerves from relaxing groups of muscles; some side effects.
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There are many other potentially risky anticholinergic drugs beyond these, but this study noted that antihistamines, gastrointestinal antispasmodics, antimuscarinic bronchodilators, antiarrhythmics, and skeletal muscle relaxants did not significantly elevate the risk of dementia.
M2 PRESSWIRE-August 29, 2019-: Anticholinergic Drugs Market Size 2019 | Global Share, Top Leading Players, Trends, Segments, Regional Analysis and Industry Growth By Forecast to 2024
A study, published in JAMA Neurology, highlights the negative effects of anticholinergic drugs.
The drugs segment has been categorized into vasopressors, anti-arrhythmic drugs, anticholinergic drugs, corticosteroids, fibrinolytic drugs, beta blockers, and others (sodium bicarbonate, crystalloids, colloids, etc.).
Wells Fargo analyst Larry Biegelsen raised his price target for Axonics to $47 from $35 after the results of a large-scale study were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine, which showed some types of anticholinergic drugs, including bladder antimuscarinics, are associated with an increased risk of dementia.
Be especially cautious about anticholinergic drugs. These work by inhibiting the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which relays signals between brain cells.
The research paper suggested that the risk of dementia is higher in people consuming strongest type of anticholinergic drugs. Some of the drugs that could increase the risk of dementia are antipsychotics, antidepressants, bladder antimuscarinics and anti epileptic drugs.
Anticholinergic drugs block the activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) in the body.
Doug Brown, policy chief at the Alzheimer's Society, which funded the research, added: "Guidelines for doctors say anticholinergic drugs should be avoided for frail older people due to their impact on memory and thinking, but doctors should consider these new findings for all over-65s."
There are several treatments available for hyperhidrosis, including anticholinergic drugs, but in severe cases, thoracic surgery could be considered.
"Clinicians should continue to be vigilant with respect to the use of anticholinergic drugs, and should consider the risk of long-term cognitive effects, as well as short-term effects, associated with specific drug classes when performing their risk-benefit analysis," the research team advised.