alkaline soil

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alkaline soil

(Physical Geography) a soil that gives a pH reaction of 8.5 or above, found esp in dry areas where the soluble salts, esp of sodium, have not been leached away but have accumulated in the B horizon of the soil profile
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

alkaline soil

A soil that contains a lot of lime (calcium) and has a pH of more than 7.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
References in periodicals archive ?
They do fine in neutral or even somewhat alkaline soil (pH 6.6 to 8.0).
. Anne Flint AEVERYONE can grow hydrangeas, but on alkaline soil they will probably be pink (unless you grow a white one).
Alders, in particular, are closely associated with cold, moist conditions but some do not tolerate alkaline soil.
They prefer alkaline soil but you can boost the lime content with a little garden lime (it's also good for cabbages and wallflowers – both from the brassica family).
Potatoes tend to prefer a lower pH, with more acid and brassicas prefer a slightly alkaline soil of pH of seven or even slightly higher.
Blueberry roots don't grow too deeply (only a foot), so if you have heavy or alkaline soil, you can accommodate a bush by building a 16-inch-deep, 3-foot-wide raised bed.
Prefers well-drained slightly alkaline soil with full Sunlight.
One thing they cannot stand is a limey or alkaline soil and if your soil is of this type then you have little alternative other than to grow them in large pots.
They'll grow in alkaline soil and just about anywhere else, and hold their leaves into late fall, providing a handsome splash of silver well past the time when other deciduous trees have lost their color.
Dicentra is perfect in a partially shaded border and likes moist, alkaline soil.
around with a a to Sprouts like a neutral or slightly alkaline soil, but if you need to add lime to the soil it should be done at least a month before adding organic matter and a general fertiliser.
If you want to grow acid-loving plants such as azaleas but have alkaline soil, you're best off growing them in pots of ericaceous compost.