alkali flat

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alkali flat

(Geological Science) an arid plain encrusted with alkaline salts derived from the streams draining into it
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It is unproductive since the last four years." He smiles ruefully and continues: "Even when water for cultivation of lands was within our access in this area, I could hardly cultivate some 5 acres of this land because the rest of it has turned into an alkali flat."
The family, from the Burgundy region of France, set out to trek the undulating dunes of the Alkali Flat Trail at the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico.
The family had two 20-ounce (566-gram) water bottles when they set out on the hike along the national monument's Alkali Flat trail at about 1 p.m., House said.
The story of the snail-like progress, as well as the super-human efforts of every man of the convoy as they inched their way across the Salt Lake Desert and the desolate alkali flats of Nevada, makes exciting reading.