aircraft captain

aircraft captain

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Webb's schedule." said Betts, a 747 aircraft captain in his civilian capacity.
The press service added that the plane has made an emergency landing due to "the aircraft captain's suspicions of an explosive device on board the plane."
For his part, the aircraft captain (C-130), Walid Mastouri, indicated that the mission is of a special nature since it will be conducted under the United Nations banner, stressing in this regard that all members of the mission have received extensive training in international law, UN law and human rights law.
"The flight attendants were in panic, and the aircraft captain decided to make an emergency landing in Volgograd," the passenger said.
Although one might think that an aircraft captain with such a comprehensive base of experience would be unlikely to contribute to an aircraft landing short of the runway surface, the accident board uncovered that the captain's vast quantity of experience was built on a foundation of questionable quality of performance.
Colleagues at RAF Benson have paid tribute to his actions, which "highlights Ben's exceptional skill as a pilot, instructor and aircraft captain".
"The aircraft captain decided to return the aircraft to Muscat International Airport due to a health issue with one of the passengers.
Abu Dhabi's Etihad Airways posted some job positions this week, including that of aircraft captain, first officer and flight instructor.
Aircraft captain Simon Hammock said the party of Scouts had reacted sensibly after finding themselves lost.
At Etihad Airways, the latest career listings posted this week showed that there are opportunities for those who have qualifications to work as aircraft captain, customer service officer and manager (production).
Following a bird strike, the aircraft captain radioed to say he might have problems touching down - fortunately, the plane landed safely.
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